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Lakes >> Lake Travis >> Boating Saturday...Anyone out?

Message started by Captain YARRR on Aug 13th, 2014 at 10:47pm

Title: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Captain YARRR on Aug 13th, 2014 at 10:47pm
Taking a big crew out Saturday, meeting up with two other boats in Zippy Cove. Anyone planning on being out?

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by My Z06 on Aug 13th, 2014 at 10:50pm
im pretty sure the nordic and baja will both be at point venture.. we like the beach.. whats zippy cove? by the ziplines? if it is thats where aphrodisiac launches

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by JC on Aug 14th, 2014 at 7:09am
I'm hoping to get a test run in soon, but won't be Sat (working that day). Gotta make sure it's ready for Labor Day.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Captain YARRR on Aug 14th, 2014 at 8:30am
Yep it's where the zip lines are. You guys should make a trip down. We'll be having a good time. I'd come up but I'll have myself, my buddy and 10 chicks so I don't want to be going distance cruise speed with ppl on the open bow.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by My Z06 on Aug 14th, 2014 at 12:07pm
Depending what time you get out there, you may see him cruise by. He always has the dog/kid. So the beach about the only option. I'm bringing 2 girls and another guy with me.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Captain YARRR on Aug 14th, 2014 at 1:38pm
Aiming to leave marina about 1

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Aphrodisiac on Aug 14th, 2014 at 10:07pm
I keep my boat at Riviera as zo6 said and should be out Saturday for awhile, but will be at the beach.  :(  Will have my toddler and 90lb bulldog that can't swim. Then off to LOTO next week!

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Captain YARRR on Aug 15th, 2014 at 9:20am
I'm pretty jealous of you guys heading to LOTO. My darn brother is getting married so I had to skip that one this year.

Wave at us as you go by!

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by nathan on Aug 17th, 2014 at 10:30pm
I got out to the lake today!!  my daughters and I went to dink pearson and swam for a couple of hours.  I miss being on the lake but at least I got to enjoy it today!

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Captain YARRR on Aug 18th, 2014 at 8:47am
That's something man. What's the hold up on the pontoon welding lately?

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by nathan on Aug 19th, 2014 at 7:01am
we were working on it last weekend.  we could not get the aluminum to strike an arc to allow welding.  when we did we had to be careful as the aluminum at the top is thin.  we are now planning on going with jb weld to seal the cracks.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Captain YARRR on Aug 19th, 2014 at 2:59pm
If that gets you out on the water safely, get after it!  :)

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by Jay Gadsby on Aug 19th, 2014 at 9:00pm

nathan wrote on Aug 19th, 2014 at 7:01am:
we were working on it last weekend.  we could not get the aluminum to strike an arc to allow welding.  when we did we had to be careful as the aluminum at the top is thin.  we are now planning on going with jb weld to seal the cracks.

Know anyone good with oxy/acetylene welding? Filler rod may be a good bit better than JB weld.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by nathan on Aug 19th, 2014 at 9:37pm
We tried that too.  And I have a mig as well.  Just nothing we have tried seems to work.  When tried the torch it was either too hot or not hot enought.  That's why we are thinking of going with jb weld.  It is above the water line I just don't want it to have a crack.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by JC on Aug 20th, 2014 at 10:34am
With thin alum I think you will need a TIG and someone with thin metal welding experienced. I too have tried the torch on alum. It doesn't work.   

Don't know how extensive the cracks are but if small and clear of other stuff, bet you could stop drill the cracks and apply a scab patch. Glue it on with 5200. That stuff is more like construction adhesive than sealant.  Maybe some blind rivets too for good measure.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by nathan on Aug 21st, 2014 at 7:02am
here is the crack before we started working on it.

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by JC on Aug 21st, 2014 at 10:53pm
WOW. That's a bit more than I imagined.. Material doesn't look too thin. You should be able to weld that once ya figure out what's up with the welder.
Gonna need some kind of filler. That's going to be the tricky part; finding some filler that's the same type of alum. Don't suppose there's some extra alum on the pontoon you could cut off..

Title: Re: Boating Saturday...Anyone out?
Post by nathan on Aug 22nd, 2014 at 7:14am
it doesn't look thin but it is less than an 1/8" thick.  they are the old style pontoon that the top is separate from the bottom.  the crack is right were the bottom section is bent at 90 to bolt the top and cross members to it.  we will figure it out and make it work!

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